Tuesday 13 December 2011

Target Audience Questionnaire summary

Which category below includes your age?

This chart shows that th majority of people were 18-20 with a small amount under the age of 17. this would mean my target audience would be between the ages of 17-20.

Which genre of music are you interested in?
This chart shows that the majority of people like R& b music, pop music is the second most popular while rap/hip hop are joint third with indie, rock is fourth and last is classical with no votes. this means a magazine with classical music would likely be unpopular and should be avoided.

Which artist do you currently follow?

The responses were:
  • Drake, beyonce, rihanna, neyo, Luther vandross
  • Lady Gaga, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Robbie Williams, Foo Fighters, Timbaland, Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez.
  • Olly Murs, Katy Perry, Hedley
  • Lady Gaga
  • This shows the typesof artist that are currently popular and so in my magazine i should use them, or 'fake' artists that are similar and use them as inspiration.
How often do you read magazines?
This shows that most of the people who replied don't read music magazines which means i must make mine new and exciting, setting it apart rom other music mags to draw in readers that would usually not buy them.

Do you read music magazines? (if no skip to question 7)
Everyone answered No to this question and so i shall skip the next question and go straight to the summary of question 7

If not, which of the following would you be interested in?
This shows that NME was the most popular choice and so I should try to use some of the styles and techniques included in this magazine. Q magazine and entertainmen weekly were also popular so are worth a look at.


  • The response were:
  • Sounds like something I'd read
  • These have the catchiest titles
  • Because they look interesting and the genre of music appeals to me =)
  • It's the only magazine that I brought as it had the Joans Brother on it :)
  • They appeal to me most
How did you find this survey?
difficult- 0%
OK- 80%
easy- 20%

I did this to evaluate the effectiveness and style of the survey, if it was a popular good style i could use the same format in future.

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