Thursday 15 December 2011

Double page spread analysis

Typography- The headline is a large bold word art, it is a sans serif font and the biggest font on the page, this allows it to draw attention of the reader. This may even go against the typical route of eye as the font is so large and bold in comparison to everything else on the double page it may draw the eye straight away. Therefore not abiding to the route of eye with the eye starting to view at the right hand side instead of left. The sans serif of this font gives the headline a playful to match the language used. The stand first and by line are written in a small serif font the serif font creates a formal look that signifies the start of the article and sets the tone of the relaxed but classy interview. The by line is in bold to best display the writer’s name in a modest way without making it large and garish. The article is written in the same serif font continuing the business like style, the questions and speech by the interviewer are written in bold to set it apart from Cullum’s responses and to make the difference clear.

Layout- The double page has a very simplistic and minimalist layout that gives the pages a classy and sophisticated look. This also gives the pages a modern artistic feel which add to the overall cultural atmosphere that the magazine tries to promote. The entire left page is taken up by a picture of Cullum which shows his importance in the piece as it is all about him. If following the route of eye this also makes him the first thing you see which also emphasizes his importance. The headline on the second page is so large it takes up half of the page ensuring it is eye catching, this creates a forceful and confident air to the piece. The rest of the text then follows neatly below. The over all look of the page is neat and organised and very chic.

Colour- The Headline is a purple colour, purple is warm and cool which matches the style of Jazz and also Cullum’s own music. Purple is often used to signify royalty which would mean that the magazine is trying to suggest Cullum is music royalty which is emphasized when comparing him to Paul McCartney who is renowned as music royalty. A mysterious colour, purple is associated with both nobility and spirituality which again enforces the powerful air Cullum‘s appearance and pose creates. The opposites of hot red and cool blue combine to create this intriguing colour that has the calming effect of blue but still retains the power of red.
 Images- The only image is a long shot of Cullum that dominates the whole of the left page, the long shot allows us to fully see Cullum in his pose, the largeness of this image gives Cullum a confident and powerful air. The mise en-scene of his pose shows him in a laid back and relaxed pose showing he is comfortable with himself and those around him. This makes him look the ultimate depiction of cool with his mussed hair and smart suit contrasting in a way that becomes fashionable. The type of chair Cullum is reclining on is an old fashioned type which fits in with his classic suit and the overall classic look of the pages.

Mode of Address- The type of language used isn’t overly formal but manages to retain intelligence. ‘Jamming’ and ‘the pub’ are mentioned in Cullum’s responses but this is mainly due to his way of talking and colloquialisms. Whereas the interviewer uses language such as ‘significant’ and ‘farther’ which suggest the piece is well written and continues the sophisticated atmosphere.

Typography- The headline is smaller than a typical double page spread headline, it is in a bold serif font and as the only bold writing on the entire double page it still stands out in an understated way. The serif font creates a sophisticated style which coupled with the small but effective writing produces a classy yet low-key look to the page. The stand first and by line and pull quote are all in the same serif font as the headline, however they are not in bold which automatically shows them to be recognizably less important.

Layout- The sole image dominates all of the double page spread which immediately shows the focus of the article. The headline is placed to the top left which puts it as the first thing viewed according to the route of eye which connotes it importance and again ensure it will be perfectly visible in a subtle way due to it’s lacking in size. The stand first follows beneath the headline as does the by line beneath the stand first. The pull quote is then directly below them. All 4 pieces of text are centred and so follow each other nicely with sufficient gaps between them to make them look organised and well placed. There is very little on this double page spread and so it comes across very minimalist but cool and collected. In this case less is more and the real focus is on the artistic and strangely beautiful image of Pizzarelli.midnight blue which is a very dark shade of blue. It is a cool colour which would mean it could be readily associated with the coolness of jazz music. Close to navy, Midnight Blue carries the blue symbolism of importance, confidence, power, and authority which could tell us a lot about Pizzarelli and his music. Darker blue is associated with intelligence which then flows onto the feeling of culture and sophistication that the magazine stimulates. 
Images- The image of Pizzarelli is a mid-shot which is done to best focus on his expression as opposed to his posture as all of Pizzarelli’s personality is in his face, not the way he holds himself. The mise-en-scene of the image shows low key lighting which gives the impression of a romantic setting and jazz music is often used to set a romantic mood. The smart tuxedo worn by Pizzarelli also sets a classy tone which hints at romance and serenading. The way Pizzarelli is stood with his chin lifted in the air gives of a dignified air and connotes confidence and a powerful presence. His slight smile also links in with the headline ‘The Good humour Man’

Mode of Address- There is very little language on the page, but what there is of it is very simplistic. The word ‘fun’ is repeated several times which suggests this particular article is going to be light hearted. This is again enforced by ‘good humour’. however the refined undertone and serious attitude to music still surfaces with ‘but never comes at the expense of the music’.

Typography- The headline is large and takes up a significant amount of the double page spread. The font is a sans serif and is unusually not in bold which is typical of a headline. However this is all in keeping with the headline which is named ‘Back to basics’ and so the writing itself seems to have gone back to basics with a very simplistic, stripped back style. The stand first is also in a sans serif font but much smaller as not to draw attention from the headline, the by line is the smallest writing on the page and will often be over looked due to this.

Layout- The double page spread takes on a quite a sparse and stripped back look as there is not much on the pages. The sole image is spread across both pages which brings the page s to life. All of the writing is kept to the left hand page which gives the layout some order, the text is also all aligned to the left linking the text nicely and giving it flow. The lacking of items on the double page again echoes the theme of ‘back to basics’ with only the bare essentials being on the double page spread which works nicely to keep the pages neat yet meaningful.

Colour- The most dominant colouring on the page is the background of golds. Gold can often stand for
increased personal power which would com across as Kurt’s confidence and give him a powerful air backed up by his importance on this page. Gold also signifies relaxation and enjoyment of life which creates a fun and chilled atmosphere which is usually associated with the music of jazz. This also again emphasizes the headline of ’back to basics’ by interpreting it as a back to good and simple times. Success is also demonstrated with the colour gold and the use of this colour could be used to signify Kurt’s success in the world of music and show he is a well established artist. 
Images- The sole image is a close up of Kurt’s face. It’s a simple shot with little facial expression which again emphasizes the simplistic and basic nature of the page. The mise-en-scene of the image shows high key lighting which connotes a happy and upbeat atmosphere. The expression on Kurt’s face however contrasts with this upbeat feel as he is looking very serious, this depicts how seriously Kurt takes his music and his career.

Mode of Address- To reverberate the back to basics theme the language is very simplistic and straight forward. The writer addresses the audience in a very straight forward and straight to the point manner that cuts to the focus in a matter of a few words.

[Due to issues with posting there may be parts repeated unintentionally]

Colour- The overall look to this page is quite dark which could come across as brooding, however the majority of the background is

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