Thursday 15 December 2011

draft of text

Draft text
Masthead: All That
Cover story: Strumming the chords with Missy May
Tag line: A conversation with the sensational new artist
Cover line 1: All That’s talent to watch
Tag Line: Artists to look out for in the new year
Cover line 2: Felicity Dawn talks ‘Old Blue Eyes’
Tag line: why she adores and idolizes Sinatra
Cover line 3: Something rich and something smooth
Tag line: why Jazz is at the height of fashion this year
Logo: All That
Date: 2nd January 2012
03 Felicity Dawn’s ‘Old Blue Eyes’
05 Something rich and something smooth
07 Strumming the chords with Hazel May
11 All That’s talent to watch
Double page:
Head line: Strumming the way to stardom
Stand first: All That has a conversation with the sensational new British artist
By line: Holly Lauren
Pull quote: "maybe they wont even be able to understand me at all!"
Article: Norah Jones meets Jessie J in the form of Missy May, the bohemian eccentric and the critics’ favourite new artist of 2012, Her smooth tones and cheeky smile has charmed the hearts of the British public and now she prepares to conquer the giant that is the U.S.A. we were lucky enough to have obtained an interview with Missy as she graciously took timeout of her hectic schedule. We talked past achievements, plans to ensnare America and her must haves when travelling over the pond.
All That: Why Miss may you do look stunning, how on earth do you manage to look so calm and collected when it is well known that you are a busy lady?
Missy: [blushes and gives slight smile] Well now I wouldn’t say stunning. I’m just like everyone else, I do my own make up, there’s no top secret formula. Although I will confide in you [she leans forward] when no ones looking… I do have my little cheeky cat naps. I love my sleep.
All That: Let’s talk about your debut album, How does it feel to know you have touched the hearts of so many in Britain?
Missy: Oh it’s absolutely wonderful, and overwhelming. My album was incredibly personal to me it came from a lot of private experiences, good and bad. To know that the British public not only understand and empathise this but can also relate to me and my music is amazing.
All That: How to you think your music will translate over in America?
Missy: [Laughs] Well it’s quite daunting to be entirely honest. I have no idea how well I will do, a lot of British exports just don’t make it over there. They have such a different way of being over there, who knows they might not like my British sense of humour or think I talk funny, maybe they wont even be able to understand me at all! [smirks]

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